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March 2009 C++ Standards Committee Mailing - New C++0x Working Paper, Concurrency Changes
Monday, 30 March 2009
The March 2009 mailing for the C++ Standards Committee was published last week. This mailing contains the results of the first round of National Body voting on the C++0x draft, as well as the latest version of the C++0x working draft. This latest draft includes some changes in response to these NB comments, as agreed at the committee meeting at the beginning of March. Some of the changes related to concurrency and the thread library are listed below. The state of all comments (accepted, rejected, or unprocessed) can be found in N2863: C++ CD1 comment status.
The committee is intending to address all the comments (which may include rejecting some, as has already happened) in time to publish a second draft for National Body comments by the end of the year. If there is sufficient consensus on that draft, it will become the C++0x standard, otherwise it will have to undergo another round of revisions.
Concurrency-related Changes
The atomics library has only seen one accepted change so far, and that's a result of US issue 91: a failed compare_exchange operation is only atomic load rather than a read-modify-write operation. This should not have any impact on code that uses atomics, but can enable the implementation to be optimized on some architectures. The details can be seen in LWG issue 1043.
On the other hand, the thread library has seen a couple of accepted changes which will have user-visible consequences. These are:
destructor callsstd::terminate()
instead ofdetach()
- Hans Boehm's paper N2082:
A plea to reconsider detach-on-destruction for thread objects, was
reviewed as part of US issue 97. The result is that if you do not
explicitly call
on yourstd::thread
objects before they are destroyed then the library will callstd::terminate()
. This is to ensure that there are no unintentional "dangling threads" with references to local variables. std::thread
no longer haveswap()
functions that operate on rvalues- This change is in response to US issue 46, and the associated
paper N2844:
Fixing a Safety Problem with Rvalue References: Proposed Wording
(Revision 1), which changes the way the rvalue-references work. In
particular, an rvalue-reference no longer binds to an lvalue. Combined
with the previous change to disallow destroying
objects with an associated thread of execution this makes perfect sense: swapping two rvaluestd::thread
objects serves no purpose anyway, and swapping astd::thread
variable with an rvalue would now callstd::terminate()
when the rvalue is destroyed at the end of the expression, if the variable had an associated thread of execution. - The single-argument
constructor has been removed - This was UK issue 323. The variadic
constructor provides all the necessary functionality.
There are also a few minor concurrency-related changes that have
been approved, mostly along the lines of clarifying the text. There
are a few more which are still under discussion, one of which is quite
significant: UK issue 329. This comment proposes the addition of a new
function std::async()
which will execute a function
asynchronously and return a std::unique_future
which can
be used to obtain the result. Details can be seen under LWG
issue 1043.
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: C++0x, C++, standards, concurrency
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The Software Craftsmanship Manifesto
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Do you care about the quality of your work as a software developer? Do you strive to produce the best software you can for your clients or employer? I don't mean basic level "does it work?" kind of quality — I hope we all aim to produce code that works. Does it matter to you if the code is well-crafted? Do you strive to write elegant software? Do you actively work to improve your skills as a developer?
There's been a lot of discussion about software quality on the internet recently. Uncle Bob, Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood got involved in the "Quality doesn't matter" debate, culminating in Uncle Bob talking on Jeff and Joel's Stack Overflow Podcast. James Bach even went as far as to hypothesise that Quality is Dead.
James has a point: in many instances it seems that people are quite happy to tolerate buggy software that's "good enough", and that developers are quite happy to ship such software. We're not perfect, and we will write code with bugs in, but to a large extent it's the attitude that counts. Whilst I accept that there may well be bugs in my code, I strive to avoid them, work hard to fix any that are found, and try and learn ways of reducing their occurrence in future. I also feel that software should be well-crafted so that it doesn't just work now, but will continue to work as it evolves, and such evolution should be as easy as possible. Of course, there's more to software quality than that — quality is Value to Some Person, and your job as a software developer is to ensure that your clients, customers or employers get the things that they value from the software you develop.
If this is something you feel strongly about, rest assured that you're not alone — there are many others who feel that Quality is Alive, to the extent that a few developers have got together to draft a Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship. The manifesto has over 1500 signatures (including mine) — why not add yours?
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: software, craftsmanship, design, manifesto
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Multithreading in C++0x part 3: Starting Threads with Member Functions and Reference Arguments
Thursday, 26 February 2009
This is the third of a series of blog posts introducing the new C++0x thread library. The first two parts covered Starting Threads in C++0x with simple functions, and starting threads with function objects and additional arguments.
If you've read the previous parts of the series then you've seen how to start threads with functions and function objects, with and without additional arguments. However, the function objects and arguments are always copied into the thread's internal storage. What if you wish to run a member function other than the function call operator, or pass a reference to an existing object?
The C++0x library can handle both these cases: the use of member
functions with std::thread
requires an additional argument for the object on which to invoke the
member function, and references are handled with
. Let's take a look at some examples.
Invoking a member function on a new thread
Starting a new thread which runs a member function of an existing
object: you just pass a pointer to the member function and a value to
use as the this
pointer for the object in to the std::thread
#include <thread> #include <iostream> class SayHello { public: void greeting() const { std::cout<<"hello"<<std::endl; } }; int main() { SayHello x; std::thread t(&SayHello::greeting,&x); t.join(); }
You can of course pass additional arguments to the member function too:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> class SayHello { public: void greeting(std::string const& message) const { std::cout<<message<<std::endl; } }; int main() { SayHello x; std::thread t(&SayHello::greeting,&x,"goodbye"); t.join(); }
Now, the preceding examples both a plain pointer to a local object
for the this
argument; if you're going to do that, you
need to ensure that the object outlives the thread, otherwise there
will be trouble. An alternative is to use a heap-allocated object and
a reference-counted pointer such as
to ensure that the object
stays around as long as the thread does:
#include <> int main() { std::shared_ptr<SayHello> p(new SayHello); std::thread t(&SayHello::greeting,p,"goodbye"); t.join(); }
So far, everything we've looked at has involved copying the
arguments and thread functions into the internal storage of a thread
even if those arguments are pointers, as in the this
pointers for the member functions. What if you want to pass in a
reference to an existing object, and a pointer just won't do?
That is the task of std::ref
Passing function objects and arguments to a thread by reference
Suppose you have an object that implements the function call
operator, and you wish to invoke it on a new thread. The thing is you
want to invoke the function call operator on this particular
object rather than copying it. You could use the member function
support to call operator()
explicitly, but that seems a
bit of a mess given that it is callable already. This is the
first instance in which std::ref
can help — if
is a callable object, then std::ref(x)
too, so we can pass std::ref(x)
as our function when we
start the thread, as below:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <functional> // for std::ref class PrintThis { public: void operator()() const { std::cout<<"this="<<this<<std::endl; } }; int main() { PrintThis x; x(); std::thread t(std::ref(x)); t.join(); std::thread t2(x); t2.join(); }
In this case, the function call operator just prints the address of
the object. The exact form and values of the output will vary, but the
principle is the same: this little program should output three
lines. The first two should be the same, whilst the third is
different, as it invokes the function call operator on a copy
of x
. For one run on my system it printed the following:
this=0x7fffb08bf7ef this=0x7fffb08bf7ef this=0x42674098
Of course, std::ref
can be used for other arguments
too — the following code will print "x=43":
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <functional> void increment(int& i) { ++i; } int main() { int x=42; std::thread t(increment,std::ref(x)); t.join(); std::cout<<"x="<<x<<std::endl; }
When passing in references like this (or pointers for that matter),
you need to be careful not only that the referenced object outlives
the thread, but also that appropriate synchronization is used. In this
case it is fine, because we only access x
before we start
the thread and after it is done, but concurrent access would need
protection with a mutex.
Next time
That wraps up all the variations on starting threads; next time we'll look at using mutexes to protect data from concurrent modification.
Subscribe to the RSS feed or email newsletter for this blog to be sure you don't miss the rest of the series.
Try it out
If you're using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or g++ 4.3 or 4.4 on
Ubuntu Linux you can try out the examples from this series using our
implementation of the new C++0x thread library. Get your copy
Multithreading in C++0x Series
Here are the posts in this series so far:
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 1: Starting Threads
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 2: Starting Threads with Function Objects and Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 3: Starting Threads with Member Functions and Reference Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 4: Protecting Shared Data
- Multithreading
in C++0x Part 5: Flexible locking
- Multithreading in C++0x part 6: Lazy initialization and double-checked locking with atomics
- Multithreading in C++0x part 7: Locking multiple mutexes without deadlock
- Multithreading in C++0x part 8: Futures, Promises and Asynchronous Function Calls
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: concurrency, multithreading, C++0x, thread
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Multithreading in C++0x part 2: Starting Threads with Function Objects and Arguments
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
This is the second of a series of blog posts introducing the new C++0x thread library. If you missed the first part, it covered Starting Threads in C++0x with simple functions.
If you read part 1 of this series, then you've seen how easy it is
to start a thread in C++0x: just construct an instance of std::thread
passing in the function you wish to run on the new thread. Though this
is good, it would be quite limiting if new threads were constrained to
run plain functions without any arguments — all the information
needed would have to be passed via global variables, which would be
incredibly messy. Thankfully, this is not the case. Not only can you
run function objects on your new thread, as well as plain functions,
but you can pass arguments in too.
Running a function object on another thread
In keeping with the rest of the C++ standard library, you're not
limited to plain functions when starting threads — the std::thread
constructor can also be called with instances of classes that
implement the function-call operator. Let's say "hello" from our new
thread using a function object:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> class SayHello { public: void operator()() const { std::cout<<"hello"<<std::endl; } }; int main() { std::thread t((SayHello())); t.join(); }
If you're wondering about the extra parentheses around the
constructor call, this is to avoid what's known
as C++'s most vexing parse: without the parentheses, the
declaration is taken to be a declaration of a function called
which takes a
and which returns a std::thread
object, rather than an object called t
of type
. There
are a few other ways to avoid the problem. Firstly, you could create a
named variable of type SayHello
and pass that to the
int main() { SayHello hello; std::thread t(hello); t.join(); }
Alternatively, you could use copy initialization:
int main() { std::thread t=std::thread(SayHello()); t.join(); }
And finally, if you're using a full C++0x compiler then you can use the new initialization syntax with braces instead of parentheses:
int main() { std::thread t{SayHello()}; t.join(); }
In this case, this is exactly equivalent to our first example with the double parentheses.
Anyway, enough about initialization. Whichever option you use, the
idea is the same: your function object is copied into internal storage
accessible to the new thread, and the new thread invokes your
. Your class can of course have data members
and other member functions too, and this is one way of passing data to
the thread function: pass it in as a constructor argument and store it
as a data member:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <string> class Greeting { std::string message; public: explicit Greeting(std::string const& message_): message(message_) {} void operator()() const { std::cout<<message<<std::endl; } }; int main() { std::thread t(Greeting("goodbye")); t.join(); }
In this example, our message is stored as a data member in the
class, so when the Greeting
instance is copied into the
thread the message is copied too, and this example will print
"goodbye" rather than "hello".
This example also demonstrates one way of passing information in to the new thread aside from the function to call — include it as data members of the function object. If this makes sense in terms of the function object then it's ideal, otherwise we need an alternate technique.
Passing Arguments to a Thread Function
As we've just seen, one way to pass arguments in to the thread
function is to package them in a class with a function call
operator. Well, there's no need to write a special class every time;
the standard library provides an easy way to do this in the form of
. The std::bind
function template
takes a variable number of parameters. The first is always the
function or callable object which needs the parameters, and the
remainder are the parameters to pass when calling the function. The
result is a function object that stores copies of the supplied
arguments, with a function call operator that invokes the bound
function. We could therefore use this to pass the message to write to
our new thread:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <functional> void greeting(std::string const& message) { std::cout<<message<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(std::bind(greeting,"hi!")); t.join(); }
This works well, but we can actually do better than that — we
can pass the arguments directly to the std::thread
constructor and they will be copied into the internal storage for the
new thread and supplied to the thread function. We can thus write the
preceding example more simply as:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <string> void greeting(std::string const& message) { std::cout<<message<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(greeting,"hi!"); t.join(); }
Not only is this code simpler, it's also likely to be more
efficient as the supplied arguments can be copied directly into the
internal storage for the thread rather than first into the object
generated by std::bind
, which is then in turn copied into
the internal storage for the thread.
Multiple arguments can be supplied just by passing further
arguments to the std::thread
#include <thread> #include <iostream> void write_sum(int x,int y) { std::cout<<x<<" + "<<y<<" = "<<(x+y)<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(write_sum,123,456); t.join(); }
The std::thread
constructor is a variadic template, so it can take any number of
arguments up to the compiler's internal limit, but if you need to pass
more than a couple of parameters to your thread function then you
might like to rethink your design.
Next time
We're not done with starting threads just yet — there's a few more nuances to passing arguments which we haven't covered. In the third part of this series we'll look at passing references, and using class member functions as the thread function.
Subscribe to the RSS feed or email newsletter for this blog to be sure you don't miss the rest of the series.
Try it out
If you're using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or g++ 4.3 or 4.4 on
Ubuntu Linux you can try out the examples from this series using our
implementation of the new C++0x thread library. Get your copy
Multithreading in C++0x Series
Here are the posts in this series so far:
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 1: Starting Threads
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 2: Starting Threads with Function Objects and Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 3: Starting Threads with Member Functions and Reference Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 4: Protecting Shared Data
- Multithreading
in C++0x Part 5: Flexible locking
- Multithreading in C++0x part 6: Lazy initialization and double-checked locking with atomics
- Multithreading in C++0x part 7: Locking multiple mutexes without deadlock
- Multithreading in C++0x part 8: Futures, Promises and Asynchronous Function Calls
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: concurrency, multithreading, C++0x, thread
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Multithreading in C++0x part 1: Starting Threads
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
This is the first of a series of blog posts introducing the new C++0x thread library.
Concurrency and multithreading is all about running multiple pieces of code in parallel. If you have the hardware for it in the form of a nice shiny multi-core CPU or a multi-processor system then this code can run truly in parallel, otherwise it is interleaved by the operating system — a bit of one task, then a bit of another. This is all very well, but somehow you have to specify what code to run on all these threads.
High level constructs such as the parallel algorithms in Intel's Threading Building
Blocks manage the division of code between threads for you, but we
don't have any of these in C++0x. Instead, we have to manage the
threads ourselves. The tool for this is std::thread
Running a simple function on another thread
Let's start by running a simple function on another thread, which
we do by constructing a new std::thread
object, and passing in the function to the constructor. std::thread
lives in the <thread>
header, so we'd better
include that first.
#include <thread> void my_thread_func() {} int main() { std::thread t(my_thread_func); }
If you compile and run this little app, it won't do a lot: though it starts a new thread, the thread function is empty. Let's make it do something, such as print "hello":
#include <thread> #include <iostream> void my_thread_func() { std::cout<<"hello"<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(my_thread_func); }
If you compile and run this little application, what happens? Does
it print hello
like we wanted? Well, actually there's no
telling. It might do or it might not. I ran this simple application
several times on my machine, and the output was unreliable: sometimes
it output "hello", with a newline; sometimes it output "hello"
without a newline, and sometimes it didn't output
anything. What's up with that? Surely a simple app like this ought to
behave predictably?
Waiting for threads to finish
Well, actually, no, this app does not have
predictable behaviour. The problem is we're not waiting for our thread
to finish. When the execution reaches the end of main()
the program is terminated, whatever the other threads are doing. Since
thread scheduling is unpredictable, we cannot know how far the other
thread has got. It might have finished, it might have output the
, but not processed the std::endl
yet, or it might not have even started. In any case it will be
abruptly stopped as the application exits.
If we want to reliably print our message, we have to
ensure that our thread has finished. We do that by joining
with the thread by calling the join()
member function of our thread object:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> void my_thread_func() { std::cout<<"hello"<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(my_thread_func); t.join(); }
Now, main()
will wait for the thread to finish before
exiting, and the code will output "hello" followed by a newline every
time. This highlights a general point: if you want a thread to
have finished by a certain point in your code you have to wait for
it. As well as ensuring that threads have finished by the
time the program exits, this is also important if a thread has access
to local variables: we want the thread to have finished before the
local variables go out of scope.
Next Time
In this article we've looked at running simple functions on a separate thread, and waiting for the thread to finish. However, when you start a thread you aren't just limited to simple functions with no arguments: in the second part of this series we will look at how to start a thread with function objects, and how to pass arguments to the thread.
Subscribe to the RSS feed or email newsletter for this blog to be sure you don't miss the rest of the series.
Try it out
If you're using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or g++ 4.3 or 4.4 on
Ubuntu Linux you can try out the examples from this series using our
implementation of the new C++0x thread library. Get your copy
Multithreading in C++0x Series
Here are the posts in this series so far:
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 1: Starting Threads
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 2: Starting Threads with Function Objects and Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 3: Starting Threads with Member Functions and Reference Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 4: Protecting Shared Data
- Multithreading
in C++0x Part 5: Flexible locking
- Multithreading in C++0x part 6: Lazy initialization and double-checked locking with atomics
- Multithreading in C++0x part 7: Locking multiple mutexes without deadlock
- Multithreading in C++0x part 8: Futures, Promises and Asynchronous Function Calls
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: concurrency, multithreading, C++0x, thread
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Designing Multithreaded Applications with C++0x: ACCU 2009
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
The schedule for ACCU 2009 in Oxford was announced earlier today, and I am pleased to say that I will be speaking on "Designing Multithreaded Applications with C++0x" on Thursday 23rd April 2009.
As has become customary, the main conference will run from Wednesday to Saturday, with a day of pre-conference workshops on Tuesday 21st April 2009. There is a whole host of well-known speakers, including "Uncle Bob" Martin, Linda Rising, Michael Feathers and Andrei Alexandrescu, so the conference should be excellent value, as ever.
If you book before the end of February, you can take advantage of the "Early Bird" rates.
I hope to see you there!
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: concurrency, threading, accu, C++0x
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just::thread C++0x Thread Library V1.0 Released
Thursday, 08 January 2009
I am pleased to announce that version 1.0 of just::thread, our C++0x Thread Library is now available.
The just::thread
library is a complete implementation
of the new C++0x thread library as per the current
C++0x working paper. Features include:
for launching threads.- Mutexes and condition variables.
for transferring data between threads.- Support for the new
time interface for sleeping and timeouts on locks and waits. - Atomic operations with
. - Support for
for transferring exceptions between threads. - Special deadlock-detection mode for tracking down the call-stack leading to deadlocks, the bane of multithreaded programming.
The library works with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or Microsoft
Visual C++ 2008 Express for 32-bit Windows. Don't wait for a full
C++0x compiler: Buy your copy of
now and start using the C++0x thread
library in minutes.
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: multithreading, concurrency, C++0x
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The Most Popular Articles of 2008
Monday, 05 January 2009
Five days into 2009, here's a list of the 10 most popular articles on the Just Software Solutions website for 2008. There's a few entries still there from last year (in particular, last year's most top entry on CSS menus is now number 2), but mostly it's new content. In 2008 I focused much more on C++0x and concurrency, and the list of popular articles reflects that.
- Implementing
a Thread-Safe Queue using Condition Variables
A description of the issues around writing a thread-safe queue, with code. - Implementing
drop-down menus in pure CSS (no JavaScript)
How to implement drop-down menus in CSS in a cross-browser fashion (with a teensy bit of JavaScript for IE). - 10
Years of Programming with POSIX Threads
A review of "Programming with POSIX Threads" by David Butenhof, 10 years after publication. - Thread
Interruption in the Boost Thread Library
A description of the thread interruption feature of the Boost Thread library. - Introduction
to C++ Templates (PDF)
How to use and write C++ templates. - Memory
Models and Synchronization
A brief description of the relaxed memory orderings of the C++0x memory model - Deadlock
Detection with just::thread
How to use thejust::thread
C++0x thread library to detect the origin of deadlocks in your code. - Rvalue
References and Perfect Forwarding in C++0x
An introduction to the new rvalue reference feature of C++0x. - October
2008 C++ Standards Committee Mailing - New C++0x Working Paper, More
Concurrency Papers Approved
My summary of the October 2008 C++ committee mailing featuring the first feature-complete draft of the C++0x standard. - Condition
Variable Spurious Wakes
An introduction to the consequences of the so-called "spurious wakes" that you can get with condition variables, and how to handle them.
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: popular, articles
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Managing Threads with a Vector
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
One of the nice things about C++0x is the support for move
semantics that comes from the new Rvalue
Reference language feature. Since this is a language feature, it
means that we can easily have types that are movable but not
copyable without resorting to std::auto_ptr
hackery. One such type is the new std::thread
class. A
thread of execution can only be associated with one
object at a time, so std::thread
is not copyable, but it is movable — this
allows you to transfer ownership of a thread of execution between
objects, and return std::thread
objects from
functions. The important point for today's blog post is that it allows
you to store std::thread
objects in containers.
Move-aware containers
The C++0x standard containers are required to be move-aware, and
move objects rather than copy them when changing
their position within the container. For existing copyable types that
don't have a specific move constructor or move-assignment
operator that takes an rvalue reference this amounts to the same
thing — when a std::vector
is resized, or an
element is inserted in the middle, the elements will be copied to
their new locations. The important difference is that you can now
store types that only have a move-constructor and
move-assignment operator in the standard containers because the
objects are moved rather than copied.
This means that you can now write code like:
std::vector<std::thread> v; v.push_back(std::thread(some_function));
and it all "just works". This is good news for managing multiple
threads where the number of threads is not known until run-time
— if you're tuning the number of threads to the number of
processors, using
for example. It also
means that you can then use the
with the standard library
algorithms such as std::for_each
void do_join(std::thread& t) { t.join(); } void join_all(std::vector<std::thread>& v) { std::for_each(v.begin(),v.end(),do_join); }
If you need an extra thread because one of your threads is blocked
waiting for something, you can just use insert()
to add a new thread to the
. Of course you can also just move threads into or
out of the vector
by indexing the elements directly:
std::vector<std::thread> v(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); for(unsigned i=0;i<v.size();++i) { v[i]=std::thread(do_work); }
In fact, many of the examples in my
book use std::vector<std::thread>
for managing
the threads, as it's the simplest way to do it.
Other containers work too
It's not just std::vector
that's required to be
move-aware — all the other standard containers are too. This
means you can have a std::list<std::thread>
, or a
, or even a
. In fact, the whole C++0x
standard library is designed to work with move-only types such as
Try it out today
Wouldn't it be nice if you could try it out today, and get used to
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wait for a C++0x compiler? Well, you can — the
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Thread Library released last Friday provides a specialization of
so that you can write code
like in these examples and it will work with Microsoft Visual Studio
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Support Forum to download it today.
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: threads, C++0x, vector, multithreading, concurrency
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Peterson's lock with C++0x atomics
Friday, 05 December 2008
Bartosz Milewski shows an implementation of Peterson's locking algorithm in his latest post on C++ atomics and memory ordering. Dmitriy V'jukov posted an alternative implementation in the comments. Also in the comments, Bartosz says:
"So even though I don't have a formal proof, I believe my implementation of Peterson lock is correct. For all I know, Dmitriy's implementation might also be correct, but it's much harder to prove."
I'd like to offer an analysis of both algorithms to see if they are correct, below. However, before we start I'd also like to highlight a comment that Bartosz made in his conclusion:
"Any time you deviate from sequential consistency, you increase the complexity of the problem by orders of magnitude."
This is something I wholeheartedly agree with. If you weren't
convinced by my previous post on Memory
Models and Synchronization, maybe the proof below will convince
you to stick to memory_order_seq_cst
(the default) unless
you really need to do otherwise.
C++0x memory ordering recap
In C++0x, we have to think about things in terms of the happens-before and synchronizes-with relationships described in the Standard — it's no good saying "it works on my CPU" because different CPUs have different default ordering constraints on basic operations such as load and store. In brief, those relationships are:
- Synchronizes-with
- An operation A synchronizes-with an
operation B if A is a store to some
atomic variable
, with an ordering ofstd::memory_order_release
, orstd::memory_order_seq_cst
, B is a load from the same variablem
, with an ordering ofstd::memory_order_acquire
, and B reads the value stored by A. - Happens-before
- An operation A happens-before an
operation B if:
- A is performed on the same thread as B, and A is before B in program order, or
- A synchronizes-with B, or
- A happens-before some other operation C, and C happens-before B.
, but this is enough for now.
If all your operations use std::memory_order_seq_cst
then there is the additional constraint of total ordering, as I
mentioned before, but neither of the implementations in question use
any std::memory_order_seq_cst
operations, so we
can leave that aside for now.
Now, let's look at the implementations.
Bartosz's implementation
I've extracted the code for Bartosz's implementation from his posts, and it is shown below:
class Peterson_Bartosz { private: // indexed by thread ID, 0 or 1 std::atomic<bool> _interested[2]; // who's yielding priority? std::atomic<int> _victim; public: Peterson_Bartosz() {, std::memory_order_release); _interested[0].store(false, std::memory_order_release); _interested[1].store(false, std::memory_order_release); } void lock() { int me = threadID; // either 0 or 1 int he = 1 ? me; // the other thread _interested[me].exchange(true, std::memory_order_acq_rel);, std::memory_order_release); while (_interested[he].load(std::memory_order_acquire) && _victim.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == me) continue; // spin } void unlock() { int me = threadID; _interested[me].store(false,std::memory_order_release); } }
There are three things to prove with Peterson's lock:
- If thread 0 successfully acquires the lock, then thread 1 will not do so;
- If thread 0 acquires the lock and then releases it, then thread 1 will successfully acquire the lock;
- If thread 0 fails to acquire the lock, then thread 1 does so.
Let's look at each in turn.
If thread 0 successfully acquires the lock, then thread 1 will not do so
Initially _victim
is 0, and the
variables are both false
. The
call to lock()
from thread 0 will then set
to true
, and
to 0.
The loop then checks _interested[1]
, which is still
, so we break out of the loop, and the lock is
So, what about thread 1? Thread 1 now comes along and tries to
acquire the lock. It sets _interested[1]
, and _victim
to 1, and then enters the
loop. This is where the fun begins.
The first thing we check is _interested[0]
. Now, we
know this was set to true
in thread 0 as it acquired the
lock, but the important thing is: does the CPU running thread 1 know
that? Is it guaranteed by the memory model?
For it to be guaranteed by the memory model, we have to prove that
the store to _interested[0]
from thread 0
happens-before the load from thread 1. This is trivially true
if we read true
in thread 1, but that doesn't help: we
need to prove that we can't read false
. We
therefore need to find a variable which was stored by thread 0, and
loaded by thread 1, and our search comes up empty:
is loaded by thread 1 as part of the
call, but it is not written by thread 0, and
is written by thread 1 without reading the value
stored by thread 0. Consequently, there is no ordering
guarantee on the read of _interested[0]
, and thread 1
may also break out of the while
loop and acquire
the lock.
This implementation is thus broken. Let's now look at Dmitriy's implementation.
Dmitriy's implementation
Dmitriy posted his implementation in the comments using the syntax for his Relacy Race Detector tool, but it's trivially convertible to C++0x syntax. Here is the C++0x version of his code:
std::atomic<int> flag0(0),flag1(0),turn(0); void lock(unsigned index) { if (0 == index) {, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_acq_rel); while (flag1.load(std::memory_order_acquire) && 1 == turn.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) std::this_thread::yield(); } else {, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_acq_rel); while (flag0.load(std::memory_order_acquire) && 0 == turn.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) std::this_thread::yield(); } } void unlock(unsigned index) { if (0 == index) {, std::memory_order_release); } else {, std::memory_order_release); } }
So, how does this code fare?
If thread 0 successfully acquires the lock, then thread 1 will not do so
Initially the turn
, flag0
variables are all 0. The call to
from thread 0 will then set flag0
1, and turn
to 1. These variables are essentially
equivalent to the variables in Bartosz's implementation, but
is set to 0 when _victim
is set to 1,
and vice-versa. That doesn't affect the logic of the code.
The loop then checks flag1
, which is still 0, so we
break out of the loop, and the lock is acquired.
So, what about thread 1? Thread 1 now comes along and tries to
acquire the lock. It sets flag1
to 1, and
to 0, and then enters the while
loop. This is where the fun begins.
As before, the first thing we check is flag0
. Now, we
know this was set to 1 in thread 0 as it acquired the lock, but the
important thing is: does the CPU running thread 1 know that? Is it
guaranteed by the memory model?
Again, for it to be guaranteed by the memory model, we have to
prove that the store to flag0
from thread 0
happens-before the load from thread 1. This is trivially true
if we read 1 in thread 1, but that doesn't help: we need to prove that
we can't read 0. We therefore need to find a variable which
was stored by thread 0, and loaded by thread 1, as before.
This time our search is successful: turn
is set using
an exchange
operation, which is a read-modify-write
operation. Since it uses std::memory_order_acq_rel
ordering, it is both a load-acquire and a store-release. If the load
part of the exchange
reads the value written by thread 0,
we're home dry: turn
is stored with a similar
operation with
in thread 0, so the store from
thread 0 synchronizes-with the load from thread 1.
This means that the store to flag0
from thread 0
happens-before the exchange
on turn
in thread 1, and thus happens-before the load
the while
loop. The load
in the
loop thus reads 1 from flag0
, and
proceeds to check turn
Now, since the store to turn
from thread 0
happens-before the store from thread 1 (we're relying on that
for the happens-before relationship on flag0
remember), we know that the value to be read will be the value we
stored in thread 1: 0. Consequently, we keep looping.
OK, so if the store to turn
in thread 1 reads the
value stored by thread 0 then thread 1 will stay out of the lock, but
what if it doesn't read the value store by thread 0? In this
case, we know that the exchange
call from thread 0 must
have seen the value written by the exchange
in thread 1
(writes to a single atomic variable always become visible in the same
order for all threads), which means that the write to
from thread 1 happens-before the read in
thread 0 and so thread 0 cannot have acquired the lock. Since this was
our initial assumption (thread 0 has acquired the lock), we're home
dry — thread 1 can only acquire the lock if thread 0 didn't.
If thread 0 acquires the lock and then releases it, then thread 1 will successfully acquire the lock
OK, so we've got as far as thread 0 acquiring the lock and thread 1
waiting. What happens if thread 0 now releases the lock? It does this
simply by writing 0 to flag0
. The while
in thread 1 checks flag0
every time round, and breaks out
if the value read is 0. Therefore, thread 1 will eventually acquire
the mutex. Of course, there is no guarantee when it will
acquire the mutex — it might take arbitrarily long for the the
write to flag0
to make its way to thread 1, but it will
get there in the end. Since flag0
is never written by
thread 1, it doesn't matter whether thread 0 has already released the
lock when thread 1 starts waiting, or whether thread 1 is already
waiting — the while
loop will still terminate, and
thread 1 will acquire the lock in both cases.
That just leaves our final check.
If thread 0 fails to acquire the lock, then thread 1 does so
We've essentially already covered this when we checked that thread
1 doesn't acquire the lock if thread 0 does, but this time we're going
in reverse. If thread 0 doesn't acquire the lock, it is because it
sees flag1
as 1 and turn
as 1. Since
is only written by thread 1, if it is 1 then thread
1 must have at least called lock()
. If thread 1 has
called unlock
then eventually flag1
will be
read as 0, so thread 0 will acquire the lock. So, let's assume for now
that thread 1 hasn't got that far, so flag1
is still
1. The next check is for turn
to be 1. This is the value
written by thread 0. If we read it as 1 then either the write to
from thread 1 has not yet become visible to thread
0, or the write happens-before the write by thread 0, so the
write from thread 0 overwrote the old value.
If the write from thread 1 happens-before the write from
thread 0 then thread 1 will eventually see turn
as 1
(since the last write is by thread 0), and thus thread 1 will acquire
the lock. On the other hand, if the write to turn
thread 0 happens-before the write to turn
thread 1, then thread 0 will eventually see the turn
as 0
and acquire the lock. Therefore, for thread 0 to be stuck waiting the
last write to turn
must have been by thread 0, which
implies thread 1 will eventually get the lock.
Therefore, Dmitriy's implementation works.
Differences, and conclusion
The key difference between the implementations other than the
naming of the variables is which variable the exchange
operation is applied to. In Bartosz's implementation, the
is applied to _interested[me]
which is only ever written by one thread for a given value of
. In Dmitriy's implementation, the
is applied to the turn
which is the variable updated by both threads. It therefore acts as a
synchronization point for the threads. This is the key to the whole
algorithm — even though many of the operations in Dmitriy's
implementation use std::memory_order_relaxed
, whereas
Bartosz's implementation uses std::memory_order_acquire
and std::memory_order_release
everywhere, the single
on the exchange
the right variable is enough.
I'd like to finish by repeating Bartosz's statement about relaxed memory orderings:
"Any time you deviate from sequential consistency, you increase the complexity of the problem by orders of magnitude."
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: concurrency, C++0x, atomics, memory model, synchronization
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