C++ Concurrency in Action and Just::Thread Discounts
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
My book C++ Concurrency in Action was finally published on 29th February 2012, after 4 years of work. It's hard to believe that I can actually hold a copy in my hand; it's just been files on my computer for so long.
My book is a tutorial and reference to the thread library from the new C++11 standard. It also provides various guidelines for writing and testing multithreaded code, as well as sample implementations of thread-safe data structures and parallel algorithms
If you haven't already got a copy, you can order one direct from Manning, or from amazon.com, or amazon.co.uk. Alternatively, copies should be available at the ACCU 2012 conference in Oxford this week.
Discount on Just::Thread
If you have purchased the book then send a copy of your receipt or other proof of purchase to info@justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk for a 50% discount on a single user license of Just::Thread, our implementation of the C++11 thread library described in the book for Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows, and g++ on Windows, Linux and MacOSX.
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: c++, concurrency, book, multithreading
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Make sure using the correct syntax in order to apply for the right functions.