Review of Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit, by Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck
Wednesday, 01 February 2006

The book divides lean thinking into 7 key principles, with 22 "tools" to help you adapt agile practices to your workplace. It also features a "try it out" section at the end of each chapter taking you through some simple steps that demonstrate how the particular techniques discussed can be applied to improve your software development process.
Some of these principles are obvious at first glance — "Eliminate Waste" for example — but this simplicity hides profound insight; in this case, the insight is that much of the "work products" of traditional software development processes are in fact waste, produced purely so the developer can "tick the box" and move onto the next task. Not only that, but the very process can itself generate waste — having analysts produce specs from customer requirements, which designers then turn into a high level design for coders to turn into software is very wasteful, because knowledge is lost at every stage; the very act of writing something down means that the understanding and background knowledge held by the author is lost, either permanently, or until the reader has acquired it for himself.
This book is aimed at project managers and lead developers looking for ways to improve their software development process, but I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about producing quality software. Whilst many agile practices require management buy-in (and if you can get your manager to read this book, it will probably help), others can be implemented by developers as part of almost any process.
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Posted by Anthony Williams
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1 Comment
Hi Anthony Williams i am so much impressed by your Post and found it's very useful for Software Developer and also for the person who well Connected to Software Development and the information about Agile Software Development is nice please keep it up.
Thanks MAG Studios