"The Developers" 2019 presentation and book signing
Monday, 01 April 2019
I will be presenting "Concurrency in C++20 and beyond" at The Developers 2019 in Romania on 23rd May 2019. Here is the abstract of my talk:
C++20 is set to add new facilities to make writing concurrent code easier. Some of them come from the previously published Concurrency TS, and others are new, but they all make our lives as developers easier. This talk will introduce the new features, and explain how and why we should use them.
The evolution of the C++ Concurrency support doesn't stop there though: the committee has a continuous stream of new proposals. This talk will also introduce some of the most important of these, including the new Executor model.
I will also be signing copies of the second edition of my book C++ Concurrency In Action now that it is finally in print.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: C++, the-developers, ccia, book
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