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Sign up for a 50% discount just::thread FCD edition

Wednesday, 07 April 2010

I'm in the process of updating our C++0x thread library for VS2008, VC10, g++ 4.3 and g++ 4.4 to incorporate the changes to the C++0x thread library voted into the C++0x FCD. I'll be writing a blog post with more details in due course, but the big changes are:

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Posted by Anthony Williams
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What are the differences between just::thread and boost::thread? Do you expect boost::thread to move towards C++0x compliance?

by Eric Holtman at 15:00:33 on Monday, 21 January 2019

Hi Eric,

There are several differences between just::thread and boost.thread. Firstly, there are some features and facilities in just::thread that are not in boost.thread:

* std::async

* std::atomic

* The std::chrono time interface

There are also a few differences in the functionality of the various components as just::thread has been tracking the C++0x draft, and with the upcoming release will match the FCD. The "notify at thread exit" facilities are among those.

Boost.thread supports thread interruption, which is not in C++0x, and so not in just::thread.

just::thread also features a deadlock detection mode which takes stack traces at crucial points so if a deadlock occurs then the library will trap into the debugger and/or display stack traces of all threads involved in the deadlock including where the relevant locks were acquired.

just::thread also takes full advantage of the C++0x facilities in the supported compilers, whereas boost.thread lags behind in some areas. just::thread is also better optimized because it is targeted at a few specific compilers and platforms rather than aiming for maximum portability.

Over time, boost.thread will move towards C++0x compliance. My personal energies are going to focus on updating just::thread in preference to boost.thread, but now the FCD is out the interface should be more stable and I might therefore have time to update boost.thread.

by Anthony Williams at 15:00:33 on Monday, 21 January 2019

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