C++ Concurrency in Action Early Access Edition Available
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
As those of you who attended my talk on The Future of Concurrency in C++ at ACCU 2008 (or read the slides) will know, I'm writing a book on concurrency in C++: C++ Concurrency in Action: Practical Multithreading, due to be published next year.
Those nice folks over at Manning have made it available through their Early Access Program so you can start reading without having to wait for the book to be finished. By purchasing the Early Access Edition, you will get access to each chapter as it becomes available as well as your choice of a hard copy or Ebook when the book is finished. Plus, if you have any comments on the unfinished manuscript I may be able to take them into account as I revise each chapter. Currently, early drafts of chapters 1, 3, 4 and 5 are available.
I will be covering all aspects of multithreaded programming with the new C++0x standard, from the details of the new C++0x memory model and atomic operations to managing threads and designing parallel algorithms and thread-safe containers. The book will also feature a complete reference to the C++0x Standard Thread Library.
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: C++, concurrency, multithreading
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Hello Anthony,
Finally got my head around the read-write shared -lock/-mutex concept. Love the work you've put into taking the evolving standards work on threading, and its manifestation as the boost.threads library.
Despite my growing confidence with this domain, I am still scratching my head as to why and under what circumstance you would upgrade/downgrade locks. Mini-tutorial would be nice, or approachable url might do (one of your blogs even better ;).
Cheers, -- Manfred