C++ Concurrency in Action now available in Chinese!
Wednesday, 03 February 2016
Last week there was considerable excitement in my house as I received my copies of the Chinese translation of my book. The code looks the same, and they spelled my name correctly, but that's all I can tell. I can't read a word of Chinese, so I hope the content has translated OK, and doesn't read like it's been run through automatic translation software.
It's a great feeling to know that my book is going to reach a wider audience, joining the ranks of the C++ books available in Chinese. As Bjarne commented when I posted on Facebook, "we are getting there".
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: C++, concurrency, multithreading, book
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I am now more interested in C side of MT any way.
It seems like that thing is not beeing handled properly any way. Now I wonder how will they keep the good side of C alive. One interesting thing that they should do is going to be addressed by me in my next post on scribd any way.
It looks like Gods of programming don't like to share that thing jet, with the rest of the world....
My comment is that MT has standard and that is good, however it should have done in different way, any way.
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