ACCU 2016 - Concurrent Thinking
Friday, 15 April 2016
The ACCU 2016 conference is next week. The conference starts on Tuesday 19th April with the tutorial and workshop day and runs through to Saturday 23rd April.
I will be talking about "Concurrent Thinking" on the Saturday at 11:30am. This 90 minute session is a taster of my new 2-day workshop, which I will be running at NDC Oslo in June and CppCon in September.
Here's the abstract:
One of the most difficult issues around designing software with multiple threads of execution is synchronizing data.
Whether you use actors, active objects, futures and continuations or mutable shared state, every non-trivial system with multiple threads needs to transfer data between them. This means thinking about which data needs to be processed by which thread, and ensuring that the right data gets to the right threads in the right order. It also means thinking about API design to avoid race conditions.
In this presentation I’ll describe techniques we can use when doing this "thinking", as well as the tools we have available to help us describe our requirements and enforce them in code.
All examples will use C++, but the thought processes are widely applicable.
Hope to see you there!
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: conferences, accu, C++, concurrency
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