Just Software Solutions

Our Ethos


At Just Software Solutions, we want to give our clients software that meets their needs. We believe that Collaboration is the key to success — we work closely with our clients to understand their business, and their needs, so that we can provide them with the best possible solutions.

Working Prototypes

It is always easier to know if you like something if you can see it. We develop numerous working, production-quality prototypes for our clients, so they can see the software as it progresses, and give feedback on each feature in development. This helps to ensure that our clients get the software they really need without having to know all the details up front.


Software bugs cause users inconvenience, and potentially reduce revenue. We work hard to eliminate bugs from our software with an aggressive testing regime — we write automated tests to verify that the operation of the software is correct, from day 1. As features are developed, the automated tests are extended to cover the new functionality.

Contact us to discuss your needs, and how we can help.

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