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March 2009 C++ Standards Committee Mailing - New C++0x Working Paper, Concurrency Changes

Monday, 30 March 2009

The March 2009 mailing for the C++ Standards Committee was published last week. This mailing contains the results of the first round of National Body voting on the C++0x draft, as well as the latest version of the C++0x working draft. This latest draft includes some changes in response to these NB comments, as agreed at the committee meeting at the beginning of March. Some of the changes related to concurrency and the thread library are listed below. The state of all comments (accepted, rejected, or unprocessed) can be found in N2863: C++ CD1 comment status.

The committee is intending to address all the comments (which may include rejecting some, as has already happened) in time to publish a second draft for National Body comments by the end of the year. If there is sufficient consensus on that draft, it will become the C++0x standard, otherwise it will have to undergo another round of revisions.

Concurrency-related Changes

The atomics library has only seen one accepted change so far, and that's a result of US issue 91: a failed compare_exchange operation is only atomic load rather than a read-modify-write operation. This should not have any impact on code that uses atomics, but can enable the implementation to be optimized on some architectures. The details can be seen in LWG issue 1043.

On the other hand, the thread library has seen a couple of accepted changes which will have user-visible consequences. These are:

std::thread destructor calls std::terminate() instead of detach()
Hans Boehm's paper N2082: A plea to reconsider detach-on-destruction for thread objects, was reviewed as part of US issue 97. The result is that if you do not explicitly call join() or detach() on your std::thread objects before they are destroyed then the library will call std::terminate(). This is to ensure that there are no unintentional "dangling threads" with references to local variables.
std::thread and std::unique_lock no longer have swap() functions that operate on rvalues
This change is in response to US issue 46, and the associated paper N2844: Fixing a Safety Problem with Rvalue References: Proposed Wording (Revision 1), which changes the way the rvalue-references work. In particular, an rvalue-reference no longer binds to an lvalue. Combined with the previous change to disallow destroying std::thread objects with an associated thread of execution this makes perfect sense: swapping two rvalue std::thread objects serves no purpose anyway, and swapping a std::thread variable with an rvalue would now call std::terminate() when the rvalue is destroyed at the end of the expression, if the variable had an associated thread of execution.
The single-argument std::thread constructor has been removed
This was UK issue 323. The variadic std::thread constructor provides all the necessary functionality.

There are also a few minor concurrency-related changes that have been approved, mostly along the lines of clarifying the text. There are a few more which are still under discussion, one of which is quite significant: UK issue 329. This comment proposes the addition of a new function std::async() which will execute a function asynchronously and return a std::unique_future which can be used to obtain the result. Details can be seen under LWG issue 1043.

Posted by Anthony Williams
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