Just Software Solutions

Chaining Constructors in C++

Monday, 18 June 2007

Chain Constructors is one of the refactorings from Refactoring to Patterns (page 340) designed to reduce duplication — in this case duplication between constructors. Unfortunately, it is not such a straight-forward refactoring in C++, since in the current Standard it is not possible for one constructor to delegate to another.

The proposal to the C++ committee to support this feature in the next C++ Standard has been accepted, but the next Standard won't be ready until 2009, with implementations available sometime after that. If you've got a problem in your current project for which this is an appropriate refactoring then two years or more is a bit long too wait. So, with that in mind, I'm posting my work-around here for those that would like this feature now.

Adding a layer of redirection

All problems in Software can be solved by adding a layer of redirection, and this is no exception. In this case, we add a level of redirection between the class and its data by wrapping the data in a private struct. Every constructor of the original class then delegates to the constructor(s) of the internal struct. I'll illustrate with one of the examples from the Standardization proposal:

class X
    struct internal
        internal( int, W& );
        Y y_;
        Z z_;
    } self;
    X( int );
    X( W& );

X::internal::internal( int i, W& e ):
    y_(i), z_(e)
    /*Common Init*/

    self( 42, 3.14 )

X::X( int i ):
    self( i, 3.14 )

X::X( W& w ):
    self( 53, w )
{ /* no post-init */ }

X x( 21 ); // if the construction of y_ or z_ throws, internal::~internal is invoked

Every constructor of class X has to initialize the sole data member self, the constructor of which encapsulates all the common initialization. Each delegating constructor is then free to do any additional initialization required.

Within the member functions of X, all references to member data now have to be prefixed with self., but that's not too bad a price — it makes it clear that this is member data, and is analagous to the use of this->, or the m_ prefix.

This simple solution only provides for a single layer of delegation — multiple layers of delegation would require multiple layers of nested structs, but it does provide full support at that level.

pimpls and Compilation Firewalls

Once the data has been encapsulated in a private structure, a further step worth considering is a move to the use of a pointer to the internal structure, also known as the pimpl idiom, or the use of a compilation firewall. By so doing, all that is required in the class definition is a forward declaration of the internal class, rather than a full definition. The full definition is then provided in the implementation file for the enclosing class. This eliminates any dependencies on the internal data from other classes, at the cost of forcing the data to be heap allocated. It also removes the possibility of any operations on the enclosing class being inline. For further discussion on the pimpl idiom, see Herb Sutter's Guru of the Week entry.

Refactoring steps

Here's a quick summary of the steps needed to perform this refactoring:

  1. Create a private struct named internal in the class X being refactored with an identical set of data members to class X.
  2. Create a data member in class X of type internal named self, and remove all other data members.
  3. For each constructor of X, write a constructor of internal that mirrors the member-initializer list, and replace the member initializer list of that constructor with a single initialization of self that forwards the appropriate constructor parameters.
  4. Replace every reference to a data member y of class X to a reference to self.y.
  5. Eliminate duplication.

Posted by Anthony Williams
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