Blog Archive for / 2015 / 01 /
Using Enum Classes as Bitfields
Thursday, 29 January 2015
C++11 introduced a new feature in the form of scoped enumerations, also
referred to as enum classes, since they are introduced with the double keyword
enum class
(though enum struct
is also permissible, to identical effect). To
a large extent, these are like standard enumerated types: you can declare a list
of enumerators, which you may assign explicit values to, or which you may let
the compiler assign values to. You can then assign these values to variables of
that type. However, they have additional properties which make them ideal for
use as bitfields. I recently answered a question on the accu-general mailing
list about such a use, so I thought it might be worth writing a blog post about
Key features of scoped enumerations
The key features provided by scoped enumerations are:
- The enumerators must always be prefixed with the type name when referred to
outside the scope of the enumeration definition. e.g. for a scoped enumeration
which has an enumeratorgreen
, this must be referred to ascolour::green
in the rest of the code. This avoids the problem of name clashes which can be common with plain enumerations. - The underlying type of the enumeration can be specified, to allow forward
declaration, and avoid surprising consequences of the compiler's choice. This
is also allowed for plain
in C++11. If no underlying type is specified for a scoped enumeration, the underlying type is fixed asint
. The underlying type of a given enumeration can be found using thestd::underlying_type
template from the<type_traits>
header. - There is no implicit conversion to and from the underlying type, though such a conversion can be done explicitly with a cast.
This means that they are ideal for cases where there is a limited set of values,
and there are several such cases in the C++ Standard itself: std::errc
, and std::launch
for example. The lack of implicit
conversions are particularly useful here, as it means that you cannot pass raw
integers such as 3
to a function expecting a scoped enumeration: you have to
pass a value of the enumeration, though this is of course true for unscoped
enumerations as well. The lack of implicit conversions to integers does mean
that you can overload a function taking a numeric type without having to worry
about any potential ambiguity due to numeric conversion orderings.
Bitmask types
Whereas the implicit conversions of plain enumerations mean that expressions
such as red | green
and red & green
are valid if red
and green
enumerators, the downside is that red * green
or red / green
are equally valid,
if nonsensical. With scoped enumerations, none of these expressions are valid
unless the relevant operators are defined, which means you can explicitly define
what you want to permit.
is a scoped enumeration that is also a bitmask type. This means
that expressions such as std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred
std::launch::any & std::launch::async
are valid, but you cannot multiply or
divide launch policies. The requirements on such a type are defined in section [bitmask.types] of the C++ Standard, but they amount to providing
definitions for the operators |
, &
, ^
, ~
, |=
, &=
and ^=
with the
expected semantics.
The implementation of these operators is trivial, so it is easy to create your own bitmask types, but having to actually define the operators for each bitmask type is undesirable.
Bitmask operator templates
These operators can be templates, so you could define a template for each operator, e.g.
template<typename E>
E operator|(E lhs,E rhs){
typedef typename std::underlying_type<E>::type underlying;
return static_cast<E>(
static_cast<underlying>(lhs) | static_cast<underlying>(rhs));
Then you could write mask::x | mask::y
for some enumeration mask
enumerators x
and y
. The downside here is that it is too greedy: every type
will match this template. Not only would you would be able to write
std::errc::bad_message | std::errc::broken_pipe
, which is clearly nonsensical,
but you would also be able to write "some string" | "some other string"
though this would give a compile error on the use of std::underlying_type
since it is only defined for enumerations. There would also be potential clashes
with other overloads of operator|
, such as the one for std::launch
What is needed is a constrained template, so only those types which you want to support the operator will match.
SFINAE to the rescue
SFINAE is a term coined by David Vandevoorde and Nicolai Josuttis in their book C++ Templates: The Complete Guide. It stands for "Substitution Failure is Not an Error", and highlights a feature of expanding function templates during overload resolution: if substituting the template parameters into the function declaration fails to produce a valid declaration then the template is removed from the overload set without causing a compilation error.
This is a key feature used to constrain templates, both within the C++ Standard
Library, and in many other libraries and application code. It is such a key
feature that the C++ Standard Library even provides a library facility to assist
with its use: std::enable_if
We can therefore use it to constain our template to just those scoped enumerations that we want to act as bitmasks.
template<typename E>
struct enable_bitmask_operators{
static constexpr bool enable=false;
template<typename E>
typename std::enable_if<enable_bitmask_operators<E>::enable,E>::type
operator|(E lhs,E rhs){
typedef typename std::underlying_type<E>::type underlying;
return static_cast<E>(
static_cast<underlying>(lhs) | static_cast<underlying>(rhs));
If enable_bitmask_operators<E>::enable
is false
(which it is unless
specialized) then std::enable_if<enable_bitmask_operators<E>::enable,E>::type
will not exist, and so this operator|
will be discarded without error. It will
thus not compete with other overloads of operator|
, and the compilation will
fail if and only if there are no other matching
overloads. std::errc::bad_message | std::errc::broken_pipe
will thus fail to
compile, whilst std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred
will continue to
For those types that we do want to work as bitmasks, we can then just specialize
enum class my_bitmask{
struct enable_bitmask_operators<my_bitmask>{
static constexpr bool enable=true;
Now, std::enable_if<enable_bitmask_operators<E>::enable,E>::type
will exist
when E
is my_bitmask
, so this operator|
will be considered by overload
resolution, and my_bitmask::first | my_bitmask::second
will now compile.
Final code
The final code is available as a header file along with a simple example demonstrating its use. It has been tested with g++ 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 in C++11 mode, and with MSVC 2012 and 2013, and is released under the Boost Software License.
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: C++, enum, bitfields
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