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November 2010 C++ Standards Committee Mailing

Tuesday, 07 December 2010

The November 2010 mailing for the C++ Standards Committee was published last week. This is the post-meeting mailing for the November 2010 committee meeting.

As well as the usual core and library issues lists, this mailing also includes an updated summary of the status of the FCD comments, along with a whole host of papers attempting to address some the remaining FCD comments and a new C++0x working draft.

To move or not to move

In my blog post on the October mailing, I mentioned that the implicit generation of move constructors was a big issue. I even contributed a paper with proposed wording for removing implicit move generation from the draft — with expert core wording guidance from Jason Merrill, this became N3216. My paper was just to give the committee something concrete to vote on — it doesn't matter how good your arguments are; if there isn't a concrete proposal for wording changes then the committee can't vote on it. In the end, the decision was that implicit move generation was a good thing, even though there was the potential for breaking existing code. However, the conditions under which move operations are implicitly generated have been tightened: the accepted proposal was N3203: Tightening the conditions for generating implicit moves by Jens Maurer, which provides wording for Bjarne's paper N3201: Moving Right Along. The proposal effectively treats copy, move and destruction as a group: if you specify any of them manually then the compiler won't generate any move operations, and if you specify a move operation then the compiler won't generate a copy. For consistency and safety, it would have been nice to prevent implicit generation of copy operations under the same circumstances, but for backwards compatibility this is still done when it would be done under C++03, though this is deprecated if the user specifies a destructor or only one of the copy operations.

Exceptions and Destructors

The second big issue from the October mailing was the issue of implicitly adding noexcept to destructors. In the end, the committee went for Jens Maurer's paper N3204: Deducing "noexcept" for destructors — destructors have the same exception specification they would have if they were implicitly generated, unless the user explicitly says otherwise. This will break code, but not much — the fraction of code that intentionally throws an exception from a destructor is small, and easily annotated with noexcept(false) to fix it.

Concurrency-related papers

There are 9 concurrency-related papers in this mailing, which I've summarised below. 8 of them were adopted at this meeting, and are now in the new C++0x working draft.

N3188 - Revision to N3113: Async Launch Policies (CH 36)

This paper is a revision of N3113 from the August mailing. It is a minor revision to the previous paper, which clarifies and simplifies the proposed wording.

It provides a clearer basis for implementors to supply additional launch policies for std::async, or for the committee to do so in a later revision of the C++ standard, by making the std::launch enum a bitmask type. It also drops the std::launch::any enumeration value, and renames std::launch::sync to std::launch::deferred, as this better describes what it means.

The use of a bitmask allows new values to be added which are either distinct values, or combinations of the others. The default policy for std::async is thus std::launch::async|std::launch::deferred.

N3191: C++ Timeout Specification

This paper is a revision of N3128: C++ Timeout Specification from the August mailing. It is a minor revision to the previous paper, which clarifies and simplifies the proposed wording.

There are several functions in the threading portion of the library that allow timeouts, such as the try_lock_for and try_lock_until member functions of the timed mutex types, and the wait_for and wait_until member functions of the future types. This paper clarifies what it means to wait for a specified duration (with the xxx_for functions), and what it means to wait until a specified time point (with the xxx_until functions). In particular, it clarifies what can be expected of the implementation if the clock is changed during a wait.

This paper also proposes replacing the old std::chrono::monotonic_clock with a new std::chrono::steady_clock. Whereas the only constraint on the monotonic clock was that it never went backwards, the steady clock cannot be adjusted, and always ticks at a uniform rate. This fulfils the original intent of the monotonic clock, but provides a clearer specification and name. It is also tied into the new wait specifications, since waiting for a duration requires a steady clock for use as a basis.

N3192: Managing C++ Associated Asynchronous State

This paper is a revision of N3129: Managing C++ Associated Asynchronous State from the August mailing. It is a minor revision to the previous paper, which clarifies and simplifies the proposed wording.

This paper tidies up the wording of the functions and classes related to the future types, and clarifies the management of the associated asynchronous state which is used to communicate e.g. between a std::promise and a std::future that will receive the result.

N3193: Adjusting C++ Atomics for C Compatibility

This paper is an update to N3164: Adjusting C++ Atomics for C Compatibility from the October mailing.

It drops the C compatibility header <stdatomic.h>, and the macro _Atomic, and loosens the requirements on the atomic_xxx types — they may be base classes of the associated atomic<T> specializations, or typedefs to them.

N3194: Clarifying C++ Futures

This paper is a revision ofN3170: Clarifying C++ Futures from the October mailing.

There were a few FCD comments from the US about the use of futures; this paper outlines all the issues and potential solutions. The proposed changes are actually fairly minor though:

  • future gains a share() member function for easy conversion to the corresponding shared_future type;
  • Accessing a shared_future for which valid() is false is now encouraged to throw an exception though it remains undefined behaviour;
  • atomic_future is to be removed;
  • packaged_task now has a valid() member function instead of operator bool for consistency with the future types.

A few minor changes have also been made to the wording to make things clearer.

N3196: Omnibus Memory Model and Atomics Paper

This paper is an update to N3125: Omnibus Memory Model and Atomics Paper from the August mailing.

This paper clarifies the wording surrounding the memory model and atomic operations.

N3197: Lockable Requirements for C++0x

This paper is an update to N3130: Lockable Requirements for C++0x from the October mailing. This is a minor revision reflecting discussions at Batavia.

This paper splits out the requirements for general lockable types away from the specific requirements on the standard mutex types. This allows the lockable concepts to be used to specify the requirements on a type to be used the the std::lock_guard and std::unique_lock class templates, as well as for the various overloads of the wait functions on std::condition_variable_any, without imposing the precise behaviour of std::mutex on user-defined mutex types.

N3209: Progress guarantees for C++0x (US 3 and US 186)(revised)

This paper is a revision ofN3152: Progress guarantees for C++0x (US 3 and US 186) from the October mailing. It is a minor revision to the previous paper, which extends the proposed wording to cover compare_exchange_weak as well as try_lock.

The FCD does not make any progress guarantees when multiple threads are used. In particular, writes made by one thread do not ever have to become visible to other threads, and threads aren't guaranteed ever to actually run at all. This paper looks at the issues and provides wording for minimal guarantees.

N3230: Constexpr Library Additions: future

This paper has not yet been accepted by the committee. It adds constexpr to the default constructors of future and shared_future, so that they can be statically initialized.

Other adopted papers

Of course, the committee did more than just address implicit move, exceptions in destructors and concurrency. The full minutes are available as N3212 in the mailing. Here is a quick summary of some of the other changes made:

  • Library functions that don't throw exceptions have been changed to use noexcept
  • The ratio arithmetic facilities have been changed to allow libraries to try and give the correct result if the result is representable, but the intermediate calculations may overflow (e.g. ratio_add<ratio<1,INTMAX_MAX>,ratio<1,INTMAX_MAX>>) (N3210)
  • New functions have been added to retrieve the current new handler, terminate handler or unexpected handler (N3189)
  • Alignment control is now done with the alignas keyword, rather than an attribute (N3190)
  • Virtual function override control is now done with keywords (including the first context sensitive keywords: override amd final) rather than attributes (N3206)

For the remaining changes, see the full minutes.

FCD comment status

The count of unresolved FCD comments is dropping rapidly, and now stands at 75 (out of 564 total), of which only 56 have any technical content. See N3224: C++ FCD Comment Status from the mailing for the full list.

Your comments

If you have any opinions on any of the papers listed here, or the resolution of any NB comments, please add them to the comments for this post.

Posted by Anthony Williams
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