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June 2009 C++ Standards Committee Mailing - New Working Draft and Concurrency Papers

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

The June 2009 mailing for the C++ Standards Committee was published today. This is the pre-meeting mailing for the upcoming committee meeting. Not only does it include the current C++0x working draft, but there are 39 other papers, of which 6 are concurrency related.

Concurrency-related papers

N2880: C++ object lifetime interactions with the threads API

This is a repeat of the same paper from the May 2009 mailing. It is referenced by several of the other concurrency papers.

N2888: Moving Futures - Proposed Wording for UK comments 335, 336, 337 and 338

This is the first of my papers in this mailing. The current working draft restricts std::unique_future to be MoveConstructible, but not MoveAssignable. It also restricts std::shared_future in a similar way, by making it CopyConstructible, but not CopyAssignable. This severely limits the potential use of such futures, so the UK panel filed comments on CD1 such as UK comment 335 which requested relaxation of these unnecessary restrictions. This paper to provide a detailed rationale for these changes, along with proposed wording.

N2889: An Asynchronous Call for C++

This is the first of two papers in the mailing that proposes a std::async() function for starting a task possibly asynchronously and returning a future for the result from that task. This addresses a need identified by UK comment 329 on CD1 for a simple way of starting a task with a return value asynchronously.

N2901: A simple async()

This is the second of the papers in the mailing that proposes a std::async() function for starting a task possibly asynchronously and returning a future for the result from that task.

The primary difference between the papers is the type of the returned future. N2889 proposes a new type of future (joining_future), whereas N2901 proposes using std::unique_future. There are also a few semantic differences surrounding whether tasks that run asynchronously aways do so on a new thread, or whether they may run on a thread that is reused for multiple tasks. Both papers provide a means for the caller to specify synchronous execution of tasks, or to allow the implementation to decide between synchronous execution and asynchronous execution on a case-by-case basis. N2901 also explicitly relies on the use of lambda functions or std::bind to bind parameters to a call, whereas N2889 supports specifying function arguments as additional parameters, as per the std::thread constructor (see my introduction to starting threads with arguments in C++0x).

Personally, I prefer the use of std::unique_future proposed in N2901, but I rather like the argument-passing semantics of N2889. I also think that the thread_local issues can be addressed by my proposal for that (N2907, see below). A final concern that I have is that calling the task inside future::get() can yield surprising behaviour, as futures can be passed across threads, so this may end up being called on another thread altogether. For synchronous execution, I would prefer invoking the task inside the std::async call itself, but delaying it to the get() does allow for work-stealing thread pools.

N2907: Managing the lifetime of thread_local variables with contexts

This is the second of my papers in this mailing. It proposes a potential solution to the lifetime-of-thread_local-variables issues from N2880 discussed in last month's blog post.

The idea is that you manage the lifetime of thread_local variables by constructing an instance of a new class std::thread_local_context. When the std::thread_local_context instance is destroyed, all thread_local variables created in that context are also destroyed. You can then construct a subsequent instance of std::thread_local_context, and create new thread_local instances in that new context. This means that you can reuse a thread for multiple unrelated tasks, without "spilling" thread_local variables from an earlier task into later tasks. It can also be used with a std::async() function to ensure that the thread_local variables are destroyed before the associated future is made ready.

N2917: N2880 Distilled, and a New Issue With Function Statics

This is Herb Sutter's take on the issues from N2880. He starts with a general discussion of the issue with detached threads and static destruction of globals, and then continues with a discussion of the issues surrounding the destruction of function-scoped thread_local variables. In particular, Herb focuses on something he calls Function thread_local statics poisoning thread_local destructors — if the destructor of a thread_local object x calls a function that itself uses a function-scope thread_local y, then the destructor of y might already have been called, resulting in undefined behaviour.

I found Herb's coverage of the issues surrounding detached threads dismissive of the idea that people could correctly write manual synchronization (e.g. using a std::condition_variable or a std::unique_future), even though this is common practice amongst those using POSIX threads (for example, in David Butenhof's Programming with POSIX Threads, he says "pthread_join is a convenience, not a rule", and describes examples using detached threads and condition variables to signal when the thread is done). I can see many possibilities for such usage, so as a consequence, I am personally in favour of his "solution" 1D: leave things as they are with regard to detached threads — it is already undefined behaviour to access something after its destruction.

However, the issue Herb raises with regard to order of destruction for thread_local variables is important, and not something that my std::thread_local_context proposal addresses. As Herb points out, the problem does exist with regard to function-local static variables already — thread_local just amplifies the problem. I am inclined to go with what POSIX threads does, and what boost::thread_specific_ptr does: make them "phoenix" variables that are re-initialized when accessed after destruction, and are thus added back onto the destructor list. This is Herb's solution 2B.

Other papers

Now that CD1 is out, and the committee is trying to get things pinned down for CD2, Concepts are getting a lot of discussion. There are therefore several papers on Concepts in the mailing. There are also papers on automatically defining move constructors, revised wording for lambdas, a proposal for unifying the function syntax, and several others. Check out the full list of papers for details.

Your comments

Do you have any comments on the papers (especially the concurrency ones, but if you have any comments on the others I'd like to know too)? Which std::async proposal do you prefer, or do you like aspects of both or neither? Do you think that thread_local_context objects combined with resurrecting thread_local objects on post-destruction access solves the thread_local issues?

Let me know by posting a comment.

Posted by Anthony Williams
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Importing an Existing Windows XP Installation into VirtualBox

Wednesday, 03 June 2009

On Monday morning one of the laptops I use for developing software died. Not a complete "nothing happens when I turn it on" kind of death — it still runs the POST checks OK — but it won't rebooted of its own accord whilst compiling some code and now no longer boots into Windows (no boot device, apparently). Now, I really didn't fancy having to install everything from scratch, and I've become quite a big fan of VirtualBox recently, so I thought I'd import it into VirtualBox. How hard could it be? The answer, I discovered, was "quite hard".

Since it seems that several other people have tried to import an existing Windows XP installation into VirtualBox and had problems doing so, I thought I'd document what I did for the benefits of anyone who is foolish enough to try this in the future.

Step 1: Clone the Disk into VirtualBox

The first thing to do is clone the disk into VirtualBox. I have a handy laptop disk caddy lying around in my office which enables you to convert a laptop hard disk into an external USB drive, so I took the disk out of the laptop and put it in that. I connected the drive to my linux box, and mounted the partition. A quick look round seemed to indicate that the partition was in working order and the data intact. So far so good. I unmounted the partition again, in preparation for cloning the disk.

I started VirtualBox and created a new virtual machine with a virtual disk the same size as the physical disk. I then booted the VM with the System Rescue CD that I use for partitioning and disk backups. You might prefer to use another disk cloning tool.

Once the VM was up and running, I connected the USB drive to the VM using VirtualBox's USB support and cloned the physical disk onto the virtual one. This took a long time, considering it was only a 30Gb disk. Someone will probably tell me that there are quicker ways of doing this, but it worked, and I hope I don't have to do it again.

Step 2: Try (and fail) to boot Windows

Once the clone was complete, I disconnected the USB drive and unmapped the System Rescue CD and rebooted the VM. Windows started to boot, but would hang on the splash screen. If you're trying this and Windows now boots in your VM, be very glad.

Booting into safe mode showed that the hang occurred after loading "mup.sys". It seems lots of people have had this problem, and mup.sys is not the problem — the problem is that the hardware drivers configured for the existing Windows installation don't match the VirtualBox emulated hardware in some drastic fashion. This is not surprising if you think about it. Anyway, like I said, lots of people have had this problem, and there are lots of suggested ways of fixing it, like booting with the Windows Recovery Console and adjusting which drivers are loaded, using the "repair" version of the registry and so forth. I tried most of them, and none worked. However, there was one suggestion that seemed worth following through, and it was a variant of this that I finally got working.

Step 3: Install Windows into a new VM

The suggestion that I finally got working was to install Windows on a new VM and swipe the SYSTEM registry hive from there. This registry hive contains all the information about your hardware that Windows needs to boot, so if you can get Windows booting in a VM then you can use the corresponding SYSTEM registry hive to boot the recovered installation. At least that's the theory; in practice it needs a bit of hackery to make it work.

Anyway, I installed Windows into the new VM, closed it down rebooted it with the System Rescue CD to retrieve the SYSTEM registry hive: C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM. You cannot access this file when the system is running. I then booted my original VM with the System Rescue CD and copied the registry hive over, making sure I had a backup of the original. If you're doing this yourself don't change the hive on your original VM yet.

The system now booted into Windows. Well, almost — it booted up, but then displayed an LSASS message about being unable to update the password and rebooted. This cycle repeats ad infinitum, even in Safe Mode. So far not so good.

Step 4: Patching the SYSKEY

In practice, Windows installations have what's called a SYSKEY in order to prevent unauthorized people logging on to the system. This is a checksum of some variety which is spread across the SAM registry hive (which contains the user details), the SYSTEM hive and the SECURITY hive. If the SYSKEY is wrong, the system will boot up, but then display the message I was getting about LSASS being unable to update the password and reboot. In theory, you should be able to update all three registry hives together, but then all your user accounts get replaced, and I didn't fancy trying to get everything set up right again. This is where the hackery comes in, and where I am thankful to two people: firstly Clark from http://www.beginningtoseethelight.org/ who wrote an informative article on the Windows Security Accounts Manager which explains how the SYSKEY is stored in the registry hives, and secondly Petter Nordahl-Hagen who provides a boot disk for offline Windows password and registry editing.

According to the article on the Windows Security Manager, the portion of the SYSKEY store in the SYSTEM hive is stored as class key values on a few registry keys. Class key values are hidden from normal registry accesses, but Petter Nordahl-Hagen's registry editor can show them to you. So, I restored the original SYSTEM hive (I was glad I made a backup) and booted the VM from Petter's boot disk and looked at the class key values on the ControlSet001\Control\Lsa\Data, ControlSet001\Control\Lsa\GBG, ControlSet001\Control\Lsa\JD and ControlSet001\Control\Lsa\Skew1 keys from the SYSTEM hive. I noted these down for later. The values are all 16 bytes long: the ASCII values for 8 hex digits with null bytes between.

This is where the hackery comes in — I loaded the new SYSTEM hive (from the working Windows VM) into a hex editor and searched for the GBG key. The text should appear in a few places — one for the subkey of ControlSet001, one for the subkey of ControlSet002, and so forth. A few bytes after one of the occurrences you should see a sequence of 16 bytes that looks similar to the codes you wrote down: ASCII values for hex digits separated by spaces. Make a note of the original sequence and replace it with the GBG class key value from the working VM. Do the same for the Data, JD and Skew1 values. Near the Data values you should also see the same hex digit sequence without the separating null bytes. Replace that too. Now look at the values in the file near to where the registry key names occur to see if there are any other occurrences of the original hex digit sequences and replace these with the new values as well.

Save the patched SYSTEM registry hive and copy it into the VM being recovered.

Now for the moment of truth: boot the VM. If you've patched all the values correctly then it will boot into Windows. If not, then you'll get the LSASS message again. In this case, try booting into the "Last Known Good Configuration". This might work if you missed one of the occurrences of the original values. If it still doesn't work, load the hive back into your hex editor and have another go.

Step 5: Activate Windows and Install VirtualBox Guest Additions

Once Windows has booted successfully, it will update the SYSKEY entries across the remaining ControlSetXXX entries, so you don't need to worry if you missed some values. You'll need to re-activate Windows XP due to the huge change in hardware, but this should be relatively painless — if you enable a network adapter in the VM configuration then Windows can access the internet through your host's connection seamlessly. Once that's done you can proceed with install the VirtualBox guest additions to make it easier to work with the VM — mouse pointer integration, sensible screen resolutions, shared folders and so forth.

Was it quicker than installing everything from scratch? Possibly: I had a lot of software installed. It was certainly a lot more touch-and-go, and it was a bit scary patching the registry hive in a hex editor. It was quite fun though, and it felt good to get it working.

Posted by Anthony Williams
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