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May 2009 C++ Standards Committee Mailing - Object Lifetimes and Threads

Monday, 18 May 2009

The May 2009 mailing for the C++ Standards Committee was published a couple of weeks ago. This is a minimal mailing between meetings, and only has a small number of papers.

The primary reason I'm mentioning it is because one of the papers is concurrency related: N2880: C++ object lifetime interactions with the threads API by Hans-J. Boehm and Lawrence Crowl. Hans and Lawrence are concerned about the implications of thread_local objects with destructors, and how you can safely clean up threads if you don't call join(). The issue arose during discussion of the proposed async() function, but is generally applicable.

thread_local variables and detached threads

Suppose you run a function on a thread for which you want the return value. You might be tempted to use std::packaged_task<> and std::unique_future<> for this; after all it's almost exactly what they're designed for:

#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>

int find_the_answer_to_LtUaE();

std::unique_future<int> start_deep_thought()
    std::packaged_task<int()> task(find_the_answer_to_LtUaE);
    std::unique_future<int> future=task.get_future();
    std::thread t(std::move(task));
    return future;

int main()
    std::unique_future<int> the_answer=start_deep_thought();
    std::cout<<"The answer="<<the_answer.get()<<std::endl;

The call to get() will wait for the task to finish, but not the thread. If there are no thread_local variable this is not a problem — the thread is detached so the library will clean up the resources assigned to it automatically. If there are thread_local variables (used in find_the_answer_to_LtUaE() for example), then this does cause a problem, because their destructors are not guaranteed to complete when get() returns. Consequently, the program may exit before the destructors of the thread_local variables have completed, and we have a race condition.

This race condition is particularly problematic if the thread accesses any objects of static storage duration, such as global variables. The program is exiting, so these are being destroyed; if the thread_local destructors in the still-running thread access global variables that have already been destroyed then your program has undefined behaviour.

This isn't the only problem that Hans and Lawrence discuss — they also discuss problems with thread_local and threads that are reused for multiple tasks — but I think it's the most important issue.


None of the solutions proposed in the paper are ideal. I particularly dislike the proposed removal of the detach() member function from std::thread. If you can't detach a thread directly then it makes functions like start_deep_thought() much harder to write, and people will find ways to simulate detached threads another way. Of the options presented, my preferred choice is to allow registration of a thread termination handler which is run after all thread_local objects have been destroyed. This handler can then be used to set the value on a future or notify a condition variable. However, it would make start_deep_thought() more complicated, as std::packaged_task<> wouldn't automatically make use of this mechanism unless it was extended to do so — if it did this every time then it would make it unusable in other contexts.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to handle the issue, please leave them in the comments below and I'll pass them on to the rest of the committee.

Posted by Anthony Williams
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"Introduction to Variadic Templates in C++0x" Article Online

Thursday, 07 May 2009

My latest article, Introduction to Variadic Templates in C++0x has been published at devx.com.

This article introduces the syntax for declaring and using variadic templates, along with some simple examples of variadic function templates and variadic class templates.

Posted by Anthony Williams
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