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Multithreading in C++0x part 3: Starting Threads with Member Functions and Reference Arguments
Thursday, 26 February 2009
This is the third of a series of blog posts introducing the new C++0x thread library. The first two parts covered Starting Threads in C++0x with simple functions, and starting threads with function objects and additional arguments.
If you've read the previous parts of the series then you've seen how to start threads with functions and function objects, with and without additional arguments. However, the function objects and arguments are always copied into the thread's internal storage. What if you wish to run a member function other than the function call operator, or pass a reference to an existing object?
The C++0x library can handle both these cases: the use of member
functions with std::thread
requires an additional argument for the object on which to invoke the
member function, and references are handled with
. Let's take a look at some examples.
Invoking a member function on a new thread
Starting a new thread which runs a member function of an existing
object: you just pass a pointer to the member function and a value to
use as the this
pointer for the object in to the std::thread
#include <thread> #include <iostream> class SayHello { public: void greeting() const { std::cout<<"hello"<<std::endl; } }; int main() { SayHello x; std::thread t(&SayHello::greeting,&x); t.join(); }
You can of course pass additional arguments to the member function too:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> class SayHello { public: void greeting(std::string const& message) const { std::cout<<message<<std::endl; } }; int main() { SayHello x; std::thread t(&SayHello::greeting,&x,"goodbye"); t.join(); }
Now, the preceding examples both a plain pointer to a local object
for the this
argument; if you're going to do that, you
need to ensure that the object outlives the thread, otherwise there
will be trouble. An alternative is to use a heap-allocated object and
a reference-counted pointer such as
to ensure that the object
stays around as long as the thread does:
#include <> int main() { std::shared_ptr<SayHello> p(new SayHello); std::thread t(&SayHello::greeting,p,"goodbye"); t.join(); }
So far, everything we've looked at has involved copying the
arguments and thread functions into the internal storage of a thread
even if those arguments are pointers, as in the this
pointers for the member functions. What if you want to pass in a
reference to an existing object, and a pointer just won't do?
That is the task of std::ref
Passing function objects and arguments to a thread by reference
Suppose you have an object that implements the function call
operator, and you wish to invoke it on a new thread. The thing is you
want to invoke the function call operator on this particular
object rather than copying it. You could use the member function
support to call operator()
explicitly, but that seems a
bit of a mess given that it is callable already. This is the
first instance in which std::ref
can help — if
is a callable object, then std::ref(x)
too, so we can pass std::ref(x)
as our function when we
start the thread, as below:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <functional> // for std::ref class PrintThis { public: void operator()() const { std::cout<<"this="<<this<<std::endl; } }; int main() { PrintThis x; x(); std::thread t(std::ref(x)); t.join(); std::thread t2(x); t2.join(); }
In this case, the function call operator just prints the address of
the object. The exact form and values of the output will vary, but the
principle is the same: this little program should output three
lines. The first two should be the same, whilst the third is
different, as it invokes the function call operator on a copy
of x
. For one run on my system it printed the following:
this=0x7fffb08bf7ef this=0x7fffb08bf7ef this=0x42674098
Of course, std::ref
can be used for other arguments
too — the following code will print "x=43":
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <functional> void increment(int& i) { ++i; } int main() { int x=42; std::thread t(increment,std::ref(x)); t.join(); std::cout<<"x="<<x<<std::endl; }
When passing in references like this (or pointers for that matter),
you need to be careful not only that the referenced object outlives
the thread, but also that appropriate synchronization is used. In this
case it is fine, because we only access x
before we start
the thread and after it is done, but concurrent access would need
protection with a mutex.
Next time
That wraps up all the variations on starting threads; next time we'll look at using mutexes to protect data from concurrent modification.
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Try it out
If you're using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or g++ 4.3 or 4.4 on
Ubuntu Linux you can try out the examples from this series using our
implementation of the new C++0x thread library. Get your copy
Multithreading in C++0x Series
Here are the posts in this series so far:
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 1: Starting Threads
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 2: Starting Threads with Function Objects and Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 3: Starting Threads with Member Functions and Reference Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 4: Protecting Shared Data
- Multithreading
in C++0x Part 5: Flexible locking
- Multithreading in C++0x part 6: Lazy initialization and double-checked locking with atomics
- Multithreading in C++0x part 7: Locking multiple mutexes without deadlock
- Multithreading in C++0x part 8: Futures, Promises and Asynchronous Function Calls
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: concurrency, multithreading, C++0x, thread
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Multithreading in C++0x part 2: Starting Threads with Function Objects and Arguments
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
This is the second of a series of blog posts introducing the new C++0x thread library. If you missed the first part, it covered Starting Threads in C++0x with simple functions.
If you read part 1 of this series, then you've seen how easy it is
to start a thread in C++0x: just construct an instance of std::thread
passing in the function you wish to run on the new thread. Though this
is good, it would be quite limiting if new threads were constrained to
run plain functions without any arguments — all the information
needed would have to be passed via global variables, which would be
incredibly messy. Thankfully, this is not the case. Not only can you
run function objects on your new thread, as well as plain functions,
but you can pass arguments in too.
Running a function object on another thread
In keeping with the rest of the C++ standard library, you're not
limited to plain functions when starting threads — the std::thread
constructor can also be called with instances of classes that
implement the function-call operator. Let's say "hello" from our new
thread using a function object:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> class SayHello { public: void operator()() const { std::cout<<"hello"<<std::endl; } }; int main() { std::thread t((SayHello())); t.join(); }
If you're wondering about the extra parentheses around the
constructor call, this is to avoid what's known
as C++'s most vexing parse: without the parentheses, the
declaration is taken to be a declaration of a function called
which takes a
and which returns a std::thread
object, rather than an object called t
of type
. There
are a few other ways to avoid the problem. Firstly, you could create a
named variable of type SayHello
and pass that to the
int main() { SayHello hello; std::thread t(hello); t.join(); }
Alternatively, you could use copy initialization:
int main() { std::thread t=std::thread(SayHello()); t.join(); }
And finally, if you're using a full C++0x compiler then you can use the new initialization syntax with braces instead of parentheses:
int main() { std::thread t{SayHello()}; t.join(); }
In this case, this is exactly equivalent to our first example with the double parentheses.
Anyway, enough about initialization. Whichever option you use, the
idea is the same: your function object is copied into internal storage
accessible to the new thread, and the new thread invokes your
. Your class can of course have data members
and other member functions too, and this is one way of passing data to
the thread function: pass it in as a constructor argument and store it
as a data member:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <string> class Greeting { std::string message; public: explicit Greeting(std::string const& message_): message(message_) {} void operator()() const { std::cout<<message<<std::endl; } }; int main() { std::thread t(Greeting("goodbye")); t.join(); }
In this example, our message is stored as a data member in the
class, so when the Greeting
instance is copied into the
thread the message is copied too, and this example will print
"goodbye" rather than "hello".
This example also demonstrates one way of passing information in to the new thread aside from the function to call — include it as data members of the function object. If this makes sense in terms of the function object then it's ideal, otherwise we need an alternate technique.
Passing Arguments to a Thread Function
As we've just seen, one way to pass arguments in to the thread
function is to package them in a class with a function call
operator. Well, there's no need to write a special class every time;
the standard library provides an easy way to do this in the form of
. The std::bind
function template
takes a variable number of parameters. The first is always the
function or callable object which needs the parameters, and the
remainder are the parameters to pass when calling the function. The
result is a function object that stores copies of the supplied
arguments, with a function call operator that invokes the bound
function. We could therefore use this to pass the message to write to
our new thread:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <functional> void greeting(std::string const& message) { std::cout<<message<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(std::bind(greeting,"hi!")); t.join(); }
This works well, but we can actually do better than that — we
can pass the arguments directly to the std::thread
constructor and they will be copied into the internal storage for the
new thread and supplied to the thread function. We can thus write the
preceding example more simply as:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> #include <string> void greeting(std::string const& message) { std::cout<<message<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(greeting,"hi!"); t.join(); }
Not only is this code simpler, it's also likely to be more
efficient as the supplied arguments can be copied directly into the
internal storage for the thread rather than first into the object
generated by std::bind
, which is then in turn copied into
the internal storage for the thread.
Multiple arguments can be supplied just by passing further
arguments to the std::thread
#include <thread> #include <iostream> void write_sum(int x,int y) { std::cout<<x<<" + "<<y<<" = "<<(x+y)<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(write_sum,123,456); t.join(); }
The std::thread
constructor is a variadic template, so it can take any number of
arguments up to the compiler's internal limit, but if you need to pass
more than a couple of parameters to your thread function then you
might like to rethink your design.
Next time
We're not done with starting threads just yet — there's a few more nuances to passing arguments which we haven't covered. In the third part of this series we'll look at passing references, and using class member functions as the thread function.
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Try it out
If you're using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or g++ 4.3 or 4.4 on
Ubuntu Linux you can try out the examples from this series using our
implementation of the new C++0x thread library. Get your copy
Multithreading in C++0x Series
Here are the posts in this series so far:
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 1: Starting Threads
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 2: Starting Threads with Function Objects and Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 3: Starting Threads with Member Functions and Reference Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 4: Protecting Shared Data
- Multithreading
in C++0x Part 5: Flexible locking
- Multithreading in C++0x part 6: Lazy initialization and double-checked locking with atomics
- Multithreading in C++0x part 7: Locking multiple mutexes without deadlock
- Multithreading in C++0x part 8: Futures, Promises and Asynchronous Function Calls
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: concurrency, multithreading, C++0x, thread
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Multithreading in C++0x part 1: Starting Threads
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
This is the first of a series of blog posts introducing the new C++0x thread library.
Concurrency and multithreading is all about running multiple pieces of code in parallel. If you have the hardware for it in the form of a nice shiny multi-core CPU or a multi-processor system then this code can run truly in parallel, otherwise it is interleaved by the operating system — a bit of one task, then a bit of another. This is all very well, but somehow you have to specify what code to run on all these threads.
High level constructs such as the parallel algorithms in Intel's Threading Building
Blocks manage the division of code between threads for you, but we
don't have any of these in C++0x. Instead, we have to manage the
threads ourselves. The tool for this is std::thread
Running a simple function on another thread
Let's start by running a simple function on another thread, which
we do by constructing a new std::thread
object, and passing in the function to the constructor. std::thread
lives in the <thread>
header, so we'd better
include that first.
#include <thread> void my_thread_func() {} int main() { std::thread t(my_thread_func); }
If you compile and run this little app, it won't do a lot: though it starts a new thread, the thread function is empty. Let's make it do something, such as print "hello":
#include <thread> #include <iostream> void my_thread_func() { std::cout<<"hello"<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(my_thread_func); }
If you compile and run this little application, what happens? Does
it print hello
like we wanted? Well, actually there's no
telling. It might do or it might not. I ran this simple application
several times on my machine, and the output was unreliable: sometimes
it output "hello", with a newline; sometimes it output "hello"
without a newline, and sometimes it didn't output
anything. What's up with that? Surely a simple app like this ought to
behave predictably?
Waiting for threads to finish
Well, actually, no, this app does not have
predictable behaviour. The problem is we're not waiting for our thread
to finish. When the execution reaches the end of main()
the program is terminated, whatever the other threads are doing. Since
thread scheduling is unpredictable, we cannot know how far the other
thread has got. It might have finished, it might have output the
, but not processed the std::endl
yet, or it might not have even started. In any case it will be
abruptly stopped as the application exits.
If we want to reliably print our message, we have to
ensure that our thread has finished. We do that by joining
with the thread by calling the join()
member function of our thread object:
#include <thread> #include <iostream> void my_thread_func() { std::cout<<"hello"<<std::endl; } int main() { std::thread t(my_thread_func); t.join(); }
Now, main()
will wait for the thread to finish before
exiting, and the code will output "hello" followed by a newline every
time. This highlights a general point: if you want a thread to
have finished by a certain point in your code you have to wait for
it. As well as ensuring that threads have finished by the
time the program exits, this is also important if a thread has access
to local variables: we want the thread to have finished before the
local variables go out of scope.
Next Time
In this article we've looked at running simple functions on a separate thread, and waiting for the thread to finish. However, when you start a thread you aren't just limited to simple functions with no arguments: in the second part of this series we will look at how to start a thread with function objects, and how to pass arguments to the thread.
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Try it out
If you're using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or g++ 4.3 or 4.4 on
Ubuntu Linux you can try out the examples from this series using our
implementation of the new C++0x thread library. Get your copy
Multithreading in C++0x Series
Here are the posts in this series so far:
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 1: Starting Threads
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 2: Starting Threads with Function Objects and Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 3: Starting Threads with Member Functions and Reference Arguments
- Multithreading in C++0x Part 4: Protecting Shared Data
- Multithreading
in C++0x Part 5: Flexible locking
- Multithreading in C++0x part 6: Lazy initialization and double-checked locking with atomics
- Multithreading in C++0x part 7: Locking multiple mutexes without deadlock
- Multithreading in C++0x part 8: Futures, Promises and Asynchronous Function Calls
Posted by Anthony Williams
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Tags: concurrency, multithreading, C++0x, thread
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